Veggie in Morzine

Vegetarian and plant based options in Morzine

Whilst the Haute Savoie region of France is renowned for its production of cheeses such as raclette, reblochon and Tomme de Savoie, the rise of veganism has not gone unnoticed. Though climate change is an uncomfortable subject in an area dependent on snow for a vast number of livelihoods, more people choosing plant based options is one way to help our planet. The issue is discussed in the Jeremy Jones interview of this winter’s Morzine Source magazine and in a subsequent article, Facing The Future. Copies of the magazine can be found in all of our properties and many eateries around the town if you’d like to read more on the subject. For the moment though, let’s get back to the topic of the month, Veganuary!

Treeline Chalets can cater for plant based guests as standard in our catered chalets and with our flexi-catered offerings. However, for those of you in self-catered properties or looking for options when eating in or out on staff days off the options below may be of use. 


La Vie Claire is an organic supermarket which stocks a variety of health foods and also offers vegan alternatives which many mainstream French supermarkets don’t, such as tempeh, seitan ingredients, ‘riz cuisine’ for creamy sauces, etc.

The larger Carrefour supermarket towards St Jean d’Aulps naturally has a larger offering of vegan products however there are also some in the one in central Morzine too. Things to look out for include vegan lardons, vegan camembert, plant based Boursin, butters, yogurts, milk, burgers, speculoos biscuits, ready-made pastry, hot chocolate powder, gnocchi and more!

L’épicerie de Montriond is a smaller shop in Montriond but full of great vegetarian options and stocks Linda McCartney sausages.

Dining out around town:

With a large proportion of diners coming from the UK, increasingly restaurants are catering to vegan guests. The restaurants below all have plant based dishes ready to be devoured!

  • Hideout for its vegan laksa
  • Cuisine 22 for its aubergine gyros (and BeyondMeat burgers)
  • Bec Jaune for its fried pickles with jalapeño jam
  • Wild Beets for their spicy Mexican beans on toast
  • Haka Bar for its sesame broccoli Buddha bowl
  • Le Local for its Wild Fun Guy waffles
  • Beanies for its Japanese fried cauliflower
  • L’Improviste for its vegan pizza
  • L’Aubergade for its Sunday nut roast
  • La Rotonde for its lentil dhal
  • L’Étale for its detox salad
  • Le Colibri for its hot Nirvana Buddha Bowl
  • Satellite Cafe has a well stocked vegan supply of eats!

Whatever tickles your taste buds this winter, bon appétit!

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